Monday, November 21, 2005

Flashback COPA 2002 - MK/JFK ParaMilitary Covert-Ops

Back in 2002 I attende the Coalition On Political Assassination conference
in Dallas. I videotaped nearly the entire 4 day event. I wrote a review for
the Austin Para Times newspaper I was editing back then. Below is a reprint
of that article with links to more online audio of the lectures and
photographs of the speakers. --SMiles

"Four Days In Dallas" / MK-JFK: ParaMilitary Covert-Ops
From JFK, MLK, RFK to 911

COPA - Coalition On Political Assassinations with Audio Files
2002 Regional Meeting, November 21st - 24th, 2002

"Our choice now seems to be between a 'new war' and a new world. As always,
the forces of reaction and wealth are telling us we have no choice but war,
and no right or power to decide. They are calling for a secret
investigation, a secret conviction, a secret method of execution, and a
totally secret war abroad. The American people as a whole are the only ones
in the world who have the right to decide on a national response to this
tragedy, and it must be one that takes into account the rights of all the
other peoples and nations of the world." --John Judge, 9/23/01

John Judge - Host and Master of Ceremonies

John is a long time researcher into various political assassinations
and hidden history and author of Judge for Yourself. Judge was a co-founder
of Committee for an Open Archives, editor of Prologue and Open Secrets
magazines, and executive director of COPA for many years.

John's voluminous research was applied before and after nearly every
speaker at the conference. Never at a loss for words, John can cite chapter
and verse of practically any issue raised related to parapolitical avenues
of inquiry. Please give he and COPA your support:

Coalition On Political Assassination c/o John Judge
PO Box 7147 Washington, DC 20044

John Judge on MLK Files and JonesTown Massacre Connections

When John Judge Met "Oswald"

Walt Brown, Ph.D. - Keynote Speaker & Counter Critics panel

Exhaustive researcher into the Warren Commission and the JFK
assassination, author of People v. Lee Harvey Oswald, The Warren Omission,
and a CD index to the Commission volumes. Walt is the editor of Deep
Politics Quarterly , a magazine about the Kennedy murder.

William Turner - Keynote Speaker, RFK, Jim Garrison & JE Hoover panels

Former FBI agent from the reign of J. Edgar Hoover who has been blowing
the whistle on their lies and excesses for many years, Turner has authored
and co-authored several books on the political assassinations, including his
recent memoir, Rear View Mirror.

Dr. Gary Aguilar - Counter Critics & New JFK evidence panels

Expert on the medical evidence in the JFK case, contributor to Murder
in Dallas, and co-author of a new book with Dr. Charles Crenshaw on the
Dallas medical evidence. Gary spoke on the Counter Critics panel about the
skeptic Posner as well as on the JFK panel about his perspectives on the
autopsy evidence.

Bill Kelly - Counter Critics, JFK, & 911 panels and Future of COPA meeting

Journalist and researcher who has studied political assasssinations for
many years. Co-founder with John Judge of the Committee for an Open
Archives, a founding group of COPA. Bill continues to write for the online
network called JFK Research, and is pursing full release of records and a
Grand Jury reopening of the JFK murder. He spoke on these efforts as well as
the "smoking gun" evidence for a deliberate standing down of military
aircraft during the September 11th hijackings.

"... am attempting to get additional witnesses and suspects deposed
under oath, gather evidence and to attempt to get Grand Jury indictments
against those responsible for crimes related to the assassination -
obstruction of justice, perjury, destruction of evidence, Smith Act, etc. I
have not concentrated my research on the scientific areas, but would like to
know why the scientific community has not taken up the work on the acoustics?
I too was perplexed by the UFO phenom among JFK assassination research -
and was not surpised to learn that A.F. General Charles Cabell, bro of the
Dallas mayor, was in charge of Project Bluebook, that UFOs were used to
protect the U2 and were used in psychological warfare operations. The 1947
Seatle, Washington sightings were first reported by Fred Crisman, believed
to be one of the Tramps and a Jim Garrison suspect.
What really threw me however, was when I tracked down Arthur Young,
shortly before he died. Young is Michael Paine's step-father, and inventor
of the Bell Helicopter. As I interviewed him for two hours, with tape
recorder running, he figured out my astrology chart and asked me if I was an
alien! He thought I was from the Pleadies, and showed me a book written by a
retired AF officer from Arizona that had photos of aliens from the Pleadies.
When I got home I called the author of the book, who did not have any more
copies to sell (limited edition), but confirmed that he had worked at
Wright-Pat AFB in Dayton, Ohio and was assigned to Project Bluebook under
General Cabell."

Lisa Pease - RFK and JFK panels

A lifelong information activist, Lisa is also former editor (with Jim
DiEugenio) of the now-defunct Probe. She presented ample evidence for Mind
Control and Conspiracy within the Robert F. Kennedy assassination involving
alleged MK patsy Sirhan Sirhan - who may only be guilty of firing blanks at
RFK as cover for the other gunmen's bullets. She also spoke on James Jesus
Angleton's involvement with the Kennedy Assassination. She contends that
James Angleton, the infamous spymaster who for twenty-five years headed the
CIA's counterintelligence unit, was deeply involved with the Oswald / JFK
saga both before and after the assassination of President Kennedy.
PROBE & CTKA Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination

Her two part article on James Jesus Angelton & JFK's Assassination
The Assassinations - Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK & Malcolm X

Larry Teeter - RFK panel

Larry is the current counsel for imprisoned RFK "assassin" Sirhan
Sirhan. For RealAudio/Video of Mr. Teeter's presentation at past Press
Conferences on behalf of his client visit this link:
For a 1994 interview with Mr. Teeter:

Donald Thomas - New JFK evidence panel

Mr. Thomas presented Echo Location analysis of existing audio tapes
from the time of the Dealey Plaza assassination:
"Donald Thomas, an investigative author for Britain's Forensic Science
Society, conducted a new acoustical study of the sound recordings and again
mapped out a fourth shot coming from the infamous Grassy Knoll. 'The
gunshot-like sounds occur exactly synchronous with the time of the
shooting,' wrote Donald Thomas for the publication Science and Justice."

Mr. Thomas' work was also used in proving precisely which shots at Kent
State were fired by which individual. When confronted with the evidence the
individuals confessed:
"... acoustics study of the Kent State shooting for the Department of
Justice. ... using the exact same procedure - echo location - and the audio
record of the incident, Barger had identified the physical locations to
within ten feet of where the first several gunshots were fired. Using
photographs and films of the incident, the Department of Justice identified
the individual National Guardsmen in those specific locations. When these
men were arrested - all admitted that they had fired their weapons."

Jerry Smith - New JFK evidence panel

Jerry presented the famous Zapruder film with specific attention
focused on the parts of the film stock not projected but which still record
visual information. He contends that their is evidence in that specific
region of the film which suggests the original film has in fact been altered
and may have been shot at a faster film speed.

Researcher debunking allegations of the manipulation of the Zapruder film

[img][/img] [img][/img]
T Carter - New JFK evidence, 911 and MLK update panels

T is a dedicated researcher who has worked on both JFK and MLK cases
with Judge Joe Brown, among others. Her first report was on her efforts to
weigh the infamous Minox camera held in the National Archives. The effort to
weigh the alleged CIA spy cam "found" at Oswald's residence is to discover
what if anything may have been used to seal and/or fill the interior portion
of the Bic lighter sized camera. The camera has been impenatrable. As it
turns out the camera does weigh more than the 200 or more weighed by T.
On the second night of the conference gave an update on the Martin
Luther King case related to securing of the rifle everyone believes is NOT
the real assassination weapon and how Denny's (!) has taken up sponsorship
of the MLK Assassination museum.
The final day of the event, Ms. Carter related her connections to the
September 11th case. She is a flight attendant and one of her usual routes
was Flight 77 - the plane that went into the Pentagon. Prior to 911, she
shared a flight with one of the alleged hijackers on his test runs. She said
that she believes the plane actually went into the Pentagon, contrary to a
popular internet theory. Her friends bodies and aircraft wreckage were
recovered from the scene of the impact which she visited. Other revelations
included privy knowledge of her flight attendant friends personal cell phone
call to her mother. During the call the flight attendant friend to the
mother that there were SIX hijackers - contradicting the number claimed by
the Government "authorities." She implored the audience to research
September 11th for this and other "discrepancies."

Robert Groden - New JFK Evidence

Former investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations,
and author of two books on the photographic and documentary evidence of
conspiracy, The Killing of A President and The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald.
Groden addressed recent claims that the Zapruder film has been altered or
faked. His own work on the acoustic evidence convinced the HSCA that there
was a second gunman. It was Groden who passed a copy of the Zapruder film to
Dick Gregory who then passed it to Geraldo Rivera who then played it on
National Television for the first time ever, allowing the American people to
see the truth for themselves.

Joe Biles - Jim Garrison panel

By far the youngest light in the JFK research community, Joe has
sparked hope that there are indeed a new generation of investigators to
carry the torch. Joe is a student in Lubbock and has garnered much
attention for his contribution to the research community: In History's
Shadow -�Lee Harvey Oswald, Kerry Thornley and the Garrison Investigation.

Andrew Kiel - J Edgar Hoover panel

History teacher and author of the new book, J. Edgar Hoover: The Father
of the Cold War, presented his thesis on the role played by anti-Communist
Hoover in both the obstruction of the Warren Commission investigation, and
the escalation of the war in Vietnam.

Philip Melanson, Ph.D. - MLK updates panel

Expert in all three major political assassinations, and author of
numerous books including Spy Saga, The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy,
and two books on the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King. He has recently
completed a book about the culture of government secrecy.

Lyndon Barsten - MLK updates panel

Independent researcher who has developed new evidence and documents
concerning the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He presented his
findings linking US intelligence agencies to James Earl Ray, and other
"The contacts and methods utilized in the murder of Dr. King bear the
signature of the CIA, including the probable use of MK-Ultra mind control
techniques. Parallel psychiatric irregularities at the Missouri prison
system are described by James Earl Ray and Jim Green, including the shocking
drugging of inmates which could render the indication of hypnosis easier or
otherwise enhance its usefulness. It seems highly likely that Jim was
subjected to psychological assessment and manipulation, the results of which
directed back to Federal Intelligence Agencies."

Michael Nurko - 911 panel

Mike cited numerous news items familiar to Alex Jones listeners and
affcianados of the 911 conspiracy. Mr. Nurko gave added detail to the story
of a CIA station chief meeting with Osama bin Laden in an American hospital
in Dubai the July before September 11th.

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
Dick Gregory - 911 panel & Future of COPA meeting

Mr. Gregory was "on the frontline in the sixties during the Civil
Rights Era. Gregory's activism continued into the 1990s. In response to
published allegations that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had
supplied cocaine to predominantly African American areas in Los Angeles,
thus spurring the crack epidemic, Gregory protested at CIA headquarters and
was arrested. In 1992 he began a program called 'Campaign for Human Dignity'
to fight crime in St. Louis neighborhoods."

Obviously Mr. Gregory and the others had a lot MORE to say. Much more
than we can print here. But rest assured, all of these presentations, in
fact the entire conference) will be repeatedly broadcast on Austin
Community Access Cable.
For information on show times send email to

Misc. Audio Files:

John Judge AfterTalk 1

Paris Flammonde

Johh Judge on "Hoakum" Heston

Speakers Unable To Attend:

Jim DiEugenio - founder of Citizens for Truth About the Kennedy
Assassinations (CTKA) and author of Destiny Betrayed, a defense of the
investigation by D.A. Jim Garrison in New Orleans. Jim has also edited Probe
magazine for many years.

Peter Dale Scott, Ph.D. - a long time researcher into the deep politics of
the Kennedy assassination and U.S. covert operations and foreign policy
abroad. Author of Deep Politics and the Murder of JFK.

Additional Speakers Not Originally Scheduled:

Chris Cox on the Cuban Pilots and JFK Assassination Families


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